「List of fake docomo e-mails」の版間の差分

提供: Yourpedia
移動: 案内検索
(ページの作成:「A list of fake docomo mails is a list of fake addresses that faked up as docomo mail domain "docomo.ne.jp". ==Overview == Although it seems to be an address of docomo Ma...」)

2016年12月4日 (日) 02:33時点における版

A list of fake docomo mails is a list of fake addresses that faked up as docomo mail domain "docomo.ne.jp".


Although it seems to be an address of docomo Mail at first sight, if it looks closely it will have one letter or numerals in it. Please be careful because all the addresses listed below are "spam mails by bad vendors" who disguised as mail from docomo mail.


  • @ docomco.net
  • @ docomo.net
  • @ docomo1.jp
  • @ doocmo - 01.com
  • @ docomo-2.net
  • @ docomo-3.net

Spam information